Dental Implants

At AMG Dental Group we treat Dental Implants, these are a definitive solution to replace some or all of your teeth. Many people who have lost teeth might feel too self-conscious to smile or talk. In addition, biting irregularities caused by tooth loss can have a negative effect. Many adults encounter the loss of permanent teeth. Many people report losing at least one permanent tooth by the age of 40. Tooth loss can have a far reaching effect on your dental health and personal appearance. If not addressed, tooth loss can lead to problems like misalignment, embarrassment, and the loss of facial contours. Implants are the best solution for tooth replacement. They look and function much like natural teeth. Most patients say they cannot tell the difference. Even more than tooth replacement, dental implants are designed to take the place of missing roots, so the loss of jawbone tissue can be prevented.

Made up of small titanium rods carefully placed into the jawbone, dental implants attach to tooth-colored dental crowns for a radiant and natural looking smile. These dental restorations are permanently fixed into the mouth and matched to look and feel like yours natural teeth for a smile that will give you true confidence. Dental Implants offer many unique advantages over traditional dentures or dental crowns and bridges.

Ask yourself if one or more of these benefits may be right for you:

1) Integration into the jawbone to prevent rapid bone deterioration after tooth loss.

2) Acts as a strong tooth root anchored into your bone by Osseo integration.

3) Appear as lifelike as your natural teeth and can be just as easy to maintain.

4) Dental implants have an exceptional success rate of 97% and can last a lifetime.

5) Can be placed without having to alter adjacent teeth.

6) Dental implants are the only form of restorative dental treatment option to replace both the tooth root and the dental crown, providing a strong structural base much like a natural, healthy tooth.
