Night Guards

Dr. Adrian Guerra and our dental team provides treatments for bruxism, a common condition that affects many of our patients. Bruxism is the involuntary grinding and clenching of your teeth, which often occurs at night. AMG Dental Group we offer night guards that can serve to protect your teeth from the damage that can be caused by grinding your teeth. If left untreated, teeth grinding can eventually cause a number of dental complications, including: Sore jaw and facial muscles; Headaches; Worn down teeth; Increased tooth pain and sensitivity; and/or Tooth fractures.

To treat teeth grinding in North Palm Beach, Florida, Dr. Guerra offers custom-made night guards. Night guards are made from a durable form of plastic and fit snugly over your teeth. The goal of a night guard is to prevent your teeth from touching and act as a barrier between the direct surfaces of your teeth. You can be assured that your night guard will be easy to wear and comfortable to sleep in. If you are experiencing jaw pain and headaches, especially in the morning, we invite you to contact our dental office today and schedule a time to come and talk with our team.
